Idaho House Bill 757 (2022) - FIC

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Idaho House Bill 757 (2022)

An Act Relating to the Appropriation to the Soil And Water Conservation Commission; Appropriating Moneys to the Soil And Water Conservation Commission for Fiscal Year 2023; Limiting the Number of Authorized Full-Time Equivalent Positions; Providing Requirements for Trustee and Benefit Payments Distribution; Appropriating Additional Moneys to the Soil and Water Conservation Commission for Fiscal Year 2022; Providing Requirements for the Water Quality Program for Agriculture; Providing Reappropriation Authority; and Declaring an Emergency.

The bill funds and provides for passed-through federal funds to the 50 local Soil and Water Conservation Districts, and matching funds for the Conservation Enhancement Reserve Program. The bill also includes one time supplemental funds for the Water Quality Program for Agriculture of $5,000,000 to provide cost-share financing for soil and water conservation projects, water delivery and drainage rehabilitation and improvement projects, and implementation of agricultural best management practices (BMPs).

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Level of Government
Conservation Policies and Programs, Soil Health
Idaho H.757 (2022).

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