New Jersey Assembly Bill 286 (2022) - FIC

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New Jersey Assembly Bill 286 (2022)

An Act providing credits against the corporation business tax and the gross income tax to persons leasing agricultural land to beginning farmers and supplementing P.L.1945, c.162 (C.54:10A-1 et seq.) and Title 54A of the New Jersey Statutes.

This bill would provide corporation business tax and gross income tax credits to persons leasing agricultural land to beginning farmers. A “qualified beginning farmer” means a person with a low or moderate net worth that farms or wants to farm; is a resident; has sufficient education, training, or experience in farming; has access to working capital and production items; and is not responsible for managing or maintaining agricultural land that are greater than necessary to support a beginning farmer. For an agreement that includes a lease on a cash basis, the tax credit will be 7-8% of the gross amount paid to the taxpayer under the agreement. For an agreement that includes a lease on a commodity share basis, the tax credit will be 17-18% of the amount paid to the taxpayer from crops or animals sold under the agreement.

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New Jersey
Level of Government
Beginning Farmer Tax Credit
New Jersey AB.286 (2022).

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