The loss of Wisconsin’s agricultural land base due to development will have a pronounced impact on the state economy. Agriculture is a significant source of revenue in the state, generating $104.8 billion in 2017. The predicted loss of 515,200 acres of farmland by 2040 equates to $377 million in farm revenue. Agricultural conservation easements are a crucial tool in permanently protecting farmland. However, the state Purchase of Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (PACE) program remains unfunded since 2011.
The Wisconsin Farmland Protection Economic Impact Assessment evaluates the economic outcomes of investing in farmland protection at the state level. This study demonstrates the induced and indirect economic activity created by investing in on-farm jobs, purchases at local businesses, and purchases made by farm employees. This infographic summarizes key findings of the economic assessment including how investments in PACE generate a 90% Return on Investment (ROI) when easement proceeds go to resource-efficient farmers.