American Farmland Trust presents Lessons Learned from the first year of the Conservation Innovation Grant On-Farm Demonstration Trials project, Conquering Cover Crop Challenges from Coast to Coast, at the Soil and Water Conservation Society’s Annual Conference held in Denver, Colorado, in summer 2022. The presentation includes soil, economic and social data summaries from the first year, examples of farmer experiences, and lessons learned by the project team.
Lessons Learned from a Full Year of Measured Soil Health, Economic, and Social Indicators from 13 Conservation Innovation Grant On-Farm Demo Trials in California, Kentucky, New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut
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Author / Presenter
Michelle Perez, Bianca Moebius-Clune, Rachel Seman-Varner, Gabrielle Roesch-McNally, Aysha Tapp-Ross, Ellen Yeatman, June Grabemeyer, Aaron Ristow, Scott Franklin, Caro Roszell, and Paul Lum
Date published
August 02, 2022
Publisher / Host
Washington, DC: American Farmland Trust
Media Type