Climate SMART Adoption and Commodity Row Crop Fact Sheets - FIC

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Climate SMART Adoption and Commodity Row Crop Fact Sheets

American Farmland Trust, in collaboration with Truterra–the sustainability business of Land O’Lakes–are introducing a range of programs that will scale up farmer adoption of climate-smart practices which will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by approximately 6.9 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e).

This Climate SMART Project (Scaling Mechanisms for Agriculture’s Regenerative Transformation) aims to catalyze a self-sustaining, market-based network to broaden farmer access, scale up adoption of climate-smart, soil health-promoting practices, and sustainably produce wheat, soy, cotton, and dairy commodities with verified and quantified climate benefits. The fact sheets in this collection provide farmers and agricultural service providers with essential information on enrolling in the program, accessing financial assistance, implementing conservation practices, and understanding key terms and processes related to climate-smart agriculture.

Climate SMART Adoption Fact Sheets

Agricultural Producer Peer Networks Fact Sheet – This fact sheet supports agricultural service providers and farmers who are leading or hope to lead successful agricultural peer networks. It outlines research focused on agricultural peer networks and provides tips on how to start designing and building an effective network.

Motivations and Barriers to Climate Smart and Conservation Practice Adoption Fact Sheet – This fact sheet provides service providers and researchers with a high-level exploration of what relevant literature reveals about what motivates and limits the adoption of Climate Smart and conservation practices across U.S. farmland.

What Guides Farmer Participation in Payments for Ecosystem Services Programs and Carbon Markets Fact Sheet – This fact sheet supports agricultural service providers and researchers by providing a high-level summary of the literature that helps us to collectively understand how and why farmers engage in Payment for Ecosystem Services programs and/or carbon markets.

Climate SMART Commodity Row Crop Fact Sheets

Conservation Practice Standards Fact Sheet – This fact sheet explains Conservation Practice Standards (CPS), which outline the criteria for implementing conservation practices tailored to state-specific conditions. It highlights three Climate SMART practices eligible for financial assistance—No-Till, Reduced-Till, and Cover Crops—along with three additional practices eligible for technical assistance: Conservation Crop Rotation, Nutrient Management, and Soil Carbon Amendments.

Financial Assistance Fact Sheet – This fact sheet outlines financial assistance available to Historically Underserved Producers (HUPs) for adopting Climate-SMART Practices on commodity crops like corn, soybeans, wheat, and cotton. It details eligibility requirements, payment rates per acre for no-till, reduced-till, and cover crops, enrollment periods, and verification processes for receiving funding.

Getting Started with USDA Fact Sheet – This fact sheet guides agricultural producers through the process of registering with the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) to establish a Farm Record, a prerequisite for enrolling in the AFT Climate SMART Commodity Row Crop Project. It outlines required documents, key forms, and steps to schedule an appointment at a USDA Service Center for assistance.

Historically Underserved Producers (HUPs) Fact Sheet – This fact sheet defines Historically Underserved Producers (HUPs) as recognized by the NRCS, including Beginning Farmers, Socially Disadvantaged Farmers, Veteran Farmers, and Limited Resource Farmers. It also includes Women Farmers as a distinct category for this project. The fact sheet outlines eligibility criteria and emphasizes the project’s commitment to supporting HUPs in adopting Climate-Smart Practices.

Section 1619 Fact Sheet  – This fact sheet outlines the requirements of Section 1619 of the 2008 Farm Bill, which protects certain producer information from public disclosure. It explains the obligations of AFT staff, Soil Health Advisors, and project partners in handling sensitive agricultural data and provides guidance on obtaining producer consent for information use beyond the designated project scope.

Terms, Concepts, and Processes Fact Sheet – This fact sheet provides agricultural service providers and participants in the Climate SMART Commodity Row Crop Project with clear definitions of key terms, concepts, and processes. It outlines the structure of Advanced Soil Health Training (ASHT), the role of Soil Health Advisors (SHAs), and the function of peer networks, technical assistance, and financial assistance programs.

Peer Networks Frequently Asked Questions Fact Sheet – This fact sheet defines peer networks in the context of the Climate SMART Commodity Row Crop Project. It also answers some common questions regarding peer networks within this AFT project.

Gabrielle Roesch-McNally, Ben Wiercinski, Erin Upton, Sophie Kelmenson
Washington D.C.: American Farmland Trust
Page Numbers
Publication Date
July 16, 2024
Publication Type
Fact Sheets and Technical Memos
Environmental Benefits, Soil Health

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