This publication is fourth in a series produced by a post-graduate-level seminar within the Urban Design Program at Columbia University. Each has been focused on environmental issues facing the Upper Delaware River region. On the following pages are chronicles of six farms that are doing things differently. In recent years one of the most important changes in farming has been the renewal of regional agricultural markets, and especially the rapidly expanding urban appetite for fresh local produce. The intention of this study is to provide a public affirmation of these potentials through conversations within the farming community.
Ground Up: Cultivating Sustainable Agriculture in the Catskill Region
Downloadable Documents
Columbia University Urban Design Research Seminar
New York, New York: Columbia University
Page Numbers
Publication Date
March 01, 2011
Publication Type
Reports and Guides
New York
Agricultural Economic Development, Agricultural Protection Zoning, Cost of Community Services, Direct Marketing, Environmental Benefits, Environmental Issues, Farm to School / Institution, Farmers Markets, Farming Practices, Food Miles, Local / Regional Food Systems, Purchase of Agricultural Conservation Easements