This study outlines some of the impacts large-scale solar facilities can have on the local environment, provide examples of installations where impacts have been minimized through co-location with vegetation, characterize the types of co-location, and give an overview of the potential benefits from co-location of solar energy projects and vegetation. The varieties of co-location can be replicated or modified for site-specific use at other solar energy installations around the world. The study concludes with opportunities to improve upon our understanding of ways to reduce the environmental impacts of large-scale solar installations.
Overview of Opportunities for Co-Location of Solar Energy Technologies and Vegetation
Downloadable Documents
Jordan Macknick, Brenda Beatty, Graham Hill
Oak Ridge, TN: U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Page Numbers
Publication Date
December 01, 2013
Publication Type
Reports and Guides
Solar Siting