The following report provides an analysis for nine Wisconsin communities of total revenue generated by each land use compared to total costs related to the land use, and quantifies the net fiscal impact of different types of land uses in the communities. An understanding of the fiscal costs and revenues generated by different types of land is important as policy makers grapple with issues of sprawl and Cost of Community Services increasing rates of farmland conversion. While this study is based on particular towns, it is believed the general trends may be applicable to a broad range of Wisconsin towns.
Paying for Local Services: The Cost of Community Services for Nine Wisconsin Municipalities
Downloadable Documents
Mary Edwards, Douglas Jackson-Smith, Patrick Berends, Jill Bukovac, Holly Hansen, Don Last, Eric Sanden, Steve Ventura
Madison, WI: College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Page Numbers
Publication Date
May 01, 2000
Publication Type
Reports and Guides
Cost of Community Services