Planning for an Agricultural Future: A Guide for North Carolina Farmers and Local Governments mixes general discussion of existing tools with specific examples from communities around the state that have developed innovative ways to support their agricultural sector. The guide is organized in five sections:
I. Planning for Agriculture: what American Farmland Trust means when we talk about planning for agriculture and why it is important for your community
II. Local Government Tools: planning, regulatory, and financial tools that local governments use to guide future development and land use
III. Planning for Conservation and the Environment: conservation programs that can help farmers in their role as stewards of land and water resources
IV. Protecting Farmland for the Future: land protection options available to landowners as they prepare for the future of their farms
V. Promoting Local Farm Viability: actions that local governments can take to promote future opportunity and a stable investment climate for the farming sector
Many of the sample documents, resources and laws referenced in the guide also are available in PDF format on the Farmland Information Center Web site.