The American Planning Association’s (APA) comprehensive survey of planning reform and smart growth activity in the States between 1999 and 2001 confirms that these subjects are among the top political concerns in statehouses across the nation. Activity is increasing in terms of the number of states taking up these issues, and the depth and breadth of planning-related matters under consideration. APA’s review also identifies a number of common elements that must be present if the states are to succeed in modernizing their comprehensive planning laws and implementing smart growth.
Planning for Growth: 2002 State of the States
Downloadable Documents
Denny Johnson
Chicago, IL: American Planning Association
Page Numbers
Publication Date
February 01, 2002
Publication Type
Reports and Guides
et al. Author(s)
Patricia E. Salkin, Jason Jordan, Karen Finucan
Land Use Planning, Planning for Agriculture and Food Systems, Smart Growth / Growth Management