Saving Farmland, Growing Cities is the latest in a series of AFT updates on what is happening to Valley farmland as its cities grow. It outlines a new framework for land use policy choices that affect farmland and agriculture. It identifies six key challenges that must be addressed to conserve farmland and for each proposes specific, measurable outcomes by which to evaluate success. These performance measures provide a meaningful way to compare policy alternatives and to choose those that can minimize – if not entirely avoid – farmland loss while promoting sustainable community growth.
Saving Farmland, Growing Cities: A Framework for Implementing Effective Farmland Conservation Policies in the San Joaquin Valley
Downloadable Documents
Serena Unger and Edward Thompson, Jr.
Davis, CA: American Farmland Trust
Page Numbers
Publication Date
January 13, 2013
Publication Type
Reports and Guides
Farmland Loss Mitigation, Land Use Planning, Smart Growth / Growth Management