American Farmland Trust developed these Soil Health Farmer Profiles to increase adoption of soil health practices among farmers by providing evidence of economic and environmental benefits. AFT recognizes that many growers are hesitant to adopt regenerative practices such as cover cropping and compost application, due to uncertainty about costs, impacts to net returns and about actual soil health improvement. By documenting benefits through the use of economic tools developed by NRCS, and environmental tools developed by USDA, AFT intends to increase grower awareness of soil health benefits, spur adoption of practices that improve soil health, increase carbon sequestration and mitigate climate change. The Soil Health Farmer Profiles focus on farmers in California and the Pacific Northwest region.
Soil Health Farmer Profiles
Downloadable Documents
Paul Lum
Sacramento, CA: American Farmland Trust
Page Numbers
Publication Date
June 15, 2024
Publication Type
Reports and Guides
California, Oregon, Washington
Climate Change, Conservation Policies and Programs, Environmental Benefits, Soil Health