This study evaluates regional economic impact gains that might accrue if the region were to increase its fresh fruit and vegetable production to accommodate local or regional demand. The study region is composed of 10 counties: Adair, Adams, Audubon, Cass, Guthrie, Harrison, Mills, Montgomery, Pottawattamie, and Shelby. This area includes some of Iowa’s most rural areas, yet it also is strongly influenced by the metropolitan reach of Omaha and Council Bluffs to the west and Des Moines on the east, which also serve as potential markets.
The Economic Impacts of Fruit and Vegetable Production in Southwest Iowa Considering Local and Nearby Metropolitan Markets
Publication Name
Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture
Downloadable Documents
Dave Swenson
Ames, IA: Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture
Page Numbers
Publication Date
January 01, 2010
Publication Type
Reports and Guides
Agricultural Economic Development, Direct Marketing, Local / Regional Food Systems