Most provisions of the current “farm bill,” the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (P.L. 107-171), expire in 2007, and the 110th Congress is expected to make decisions about the content of a new one. Commodity price and income support policy is usually the most contentious component of a farm bill. However, other food and agricultural issues, including conservation, rural development, trade, domestic food assistance, and biofuels also will be debated. This report will be updated as events warrant; for a more extensive discussion of the issues, see CRS Report RL33037, Previewing a 2007 Farm Bill, coordinated by Jasper Womach.
The “Farm Bill” in Brief
Publication Name
CRS Report
Downloadable Documents
Geoffrey S. Becker
Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service
Page Numbers
Publication Date
October 04, 2006
Publication Type
Reports and Guides
Farm Bill, Federal Farmland Protection Policies & Programs