In December 2020, American Farmland Trust released “Growing Resilience: Unlocking the Potential of Farm to School to Strengthen the Economy, Support New York Farms, and Improve Student Health in the Face of New Challenges,” a new report on farm to school following the second year of the New York Farm to School Incentive program. AFT conducted research during the summer of 2020 to learn what schools spent on New York food products served at breakfast and lunch, and what their barriers were to purchasing more New York grown food and reaching 30% spending. This research also explored the impact COVID-19 has had and may continue to have on schools’ ability to purchase and serve New York grown food.
This 90-minute webinar led by report authors Samantha Levy and Mikaela Ruiz-Ramón walks through the report findings and recommendations, with a welcome address from New York State Agriculture Commissioner Richard Ball, Senator Jen Metzger, and Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo.